We’re getting ready for Thanksgiving here at my house this week. Actually, getting ready to travel to see family and loved ones for turkey day, about a 5-hour drive away. I stay so busy all the time, it’s nice to have a few days to unplug and focus on people you care about and who care about you this week. Hopefully I’ll get some time to make use of my walking shoes while I’m there. After gaining a bunch of covid weight, I actually lost about 40 lbs since the end of May and I’d like to keep that trajectory moving, if you know what I mean! #amiright

If you wonder or care what in the world I’ve been doing in the past 3 years instead of getting Romance books written, well, it’s been a lot. For the past two years, I’ve taken on a Director position at a child welfare agency, and that world has all but consumed me since I started in that role. (I’ve worked in the field since 2008.) With some recent changes, though, I finally feel like I can disengage a little and get back to focusing more time and energy on things that pour into my soul rather than just take from it. The work of carrying the burdens and trauma of other people is a rewarding but heavy, heavy load. It’s definitely shaped me into the person I am today in many, many ways. 

I’ve also been pouring a lot of time and energy into a writing organization I belong to, Contemporary Romance Writers. In 2019, I took on an executive board position when their Communications role became vacant mid-year. In 2020, I stayed on as a voted-in board member to the same position, and in 2021, I’ve put a lot of time and care into the role of their Workshops coordinator, also an executive board position. In an exciting turn of events, the organization has recently disaffiliated from RWA, and it looks like I’ll be leading the charge for our first year as a standalone professional writing organization as the 2022 President. Lots going on there, with so much to plan, organize, and implement to make it a warm, welcoming, supportive place for Romance authors. I’m very encouraged and whole-heartedly excited to see the growth and progress of CRW moving forward.

What I’m Writing

I’m currently working to finally finish Sly Man Gray, the third book in the Big Man Blue Series. I’m amazed by the characters in this story and how they’ve evolved, slowly revealed themselves to me, and took me in directions I didn’t expect. Emotions run deep in this one, so I hope everyone is pleased with the final product. Release date is set for February 1, 2022!

What I’m Reading

I’m currently about to dive into Queen Nora’s brand new release, out today, The Becoming. I adored the first book in the series and have been waiting probably less-than-patiently for this second in the series. #swoon. I have the audiobook downloaded and ready for my long, round-trip car rides this week.

The Becoming: The Dragon Heart Legacy, Book 2 by [Nora Roberts]

Happy Thanksgiving

Lastly, I wish all of you a safe, happy, healthy Thanksgiving this year. For some it’s a happy time, others it’s a stressful time, and for others still, it can be a lonely time, so I hope regardless where you’re at or what your circumstance, that you find ways to feed your soul this week.



  1. Patty Mele Reply

    I am so glad to hear from you. I hope you and your family have a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend. For us we are having about 15 people over plus the 3 of us, John, hubby, Chrissy, sister-in-law and me and of course my 2 cats and 1 dog.

    • nicolerlocker Reply

      You can’t leave out the four-legged family members! I hope you all have a very blessed time together. Good to see and hear from you, too!

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